Proposals 2020
The audio recording link of last night's meeting is below.
Since we were unable to watch the candidate videos online last night, you may want to skip to about 10:30 into the recording to hear the proposal discussion.
Additionally, Proposals #23 & #24 were removed from the membership voting after the discussion.
Board Elections 2020
Below are your candidates for this years elections and their candidate video links.​
Voting will take place on Friday night of convention. Candidates will give a speech and then you will vote. You can also submit an absentee ballot if you will not be there and are a current member of MCCA.
If you would like to submit an absentee ballot please email Billy at
At Large Candidates
Candidate Video Link:
Coaching Experience:
Qualifications for position:
What do you think are the biggest challenges facing MCCA, and how would you address those challenges?
Candidate Video Link:
Coaching Experience:
Qualifications for position:
What do you think are the biggest challenges facing MCCA, and how would you address those challenges?
Treasurer Candidates
Candidate Video Link:
Coaching Experience:
Qualifications for position:
What do you think are the biggest challenges facing MCCA, and how would you address those challenges?
Vice-President Candidates
Candidate Video Link:
Coaching Experience:
Qualifications for position:
What do you think are the biggest challenges facing MCCA, and how would you address those challenges?